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How will you be celebrating Mother’s Day this year?

We will be celebrating with Ed & Sebastain and his family this year. We are planning a picnic at Fitzroy Gardens, so nice and relaxing. It’s a very special one this year as I am pregnant with my second son so we have a lot to celebrate.
I always try and do something nice for myself too as it can be hard to take time out for yourself when it’s go go go! It’s important to take some time out and honour yourself whether it be just to go and do your nails or watch a movie or have some time to recharge. 

How do you find work life balance being a mum?

I don’t think you truly get balance every day, it’s like a see-saw. Some days it goes smoothly and other days it’s a disaster. Some days work is demanding and there are deadlines, some days that little human needs you more and you just have to make it work as best you can. If Sebastian needs me, that is my priority and I’m lucky because i am flexible with my schedule and can work from home if he is sick. We have an excellent team at pared who are so supportive. I just need to be flexible and sometimes plans change!
At the end of each day you need to press a reset button. I don’t like to sugar coat it, some days are so hard, you need to function as a human after a night of broken sleep, a demanding toddler who doesn't want to listen and try and work too but this too shall pass and every day is a chance for a new start!

What have you learnt most from your son?

Patience, surrender and being in the moment, whatever that moment may be. Sebastian has a great imagination and we are always outside building a fort or a dinosaur garden. Boys are active and mine is especially so, we are always on the move.

What’s the best piece of advice your mother gave you?

I think her best piece of advice was to always listen to my intuition. Sometimes only you know something is up and it’s important to listen to that voice whether it be with your own child or any aspect of your life. If it doesn't feel right, go with your gut.

What’s your best advice for mothers starting a new business?

It’s the best of times and hardest of times! For me pregnancy is so hard and tiring. I don't feel my best. I feel my most creative when that little baby arrives and even though i am sleep deprived I have a real hunger to get back into work and i feel so inspired again. It’s different for everyone, just be kind to yourself. You have done an incredible thing to grow and birth a human so take it easy, build it slowly and it will come. 

Who are the women that inspire you?

Women in general inspire me and keep me going. We can do pretty incredible things while managing a lot. I have a beautiful network of girlfriends and strong women in my family and spending time with them recharges me and keeps me going. I really enjoy listening to the Grace Tales podcast and hearing all of the different perspectives of motherhood and lessons that are learnt from different women around the world.

If you could pass on one item from your wardrobe to your kids what would it be?

My engagement ring is passed down to the eldest child, so Sebastian will be the fifth generation to inherit the ring from my Great-Great Grandmother which is very special. My second son (who is due in September) will have a similar memento kept for him to be passed down. I think jewellery is important to hand down and feels so personal.The boys will also inherit a ridiculous archive of pared sunglasses which should keep them happy!

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